A wake has no power

John Johnson
Nov 7, 2022
Photo by Mikael Stenberg on Unsplash

As we grow older we have a desire to stare back at our wake,

more than stand on the bow of the boat and point to a new destination.

A wake can’t steer us,

nor can it power the boat of our life.

Is the wake mesmerizing?

Are the waves rippling away,

the crisp contrast of white on blue,

the achievements and markers of our travel, alluring?


Don’t listen to the wake’s siren song.

Travel from stern to bow.

Look out and point ahead.


Source your agency.

Seek a new shore.


Let the wake be the wake.

Informative, but behind you,

unseen through the distraction of what lies ahead.




John Johnson
John Johnson

Written by John Johnson

Sharing stories to help you soar and be who you were created to be.

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